Commercial Space
The Heinlein Prize Trust sponsors a number of prizes and awards to support the advancement of commercial space activities across a broad span of applications and areas. Working with the Rice Business Plan Competition, and the Space Frontier Foundation, the Heinlein Prize Trust has given awards to companies which have gone on to make significant contributions and advancements in areas of medicine, energy, and materials technology.
The Heinlein Prize Trust sponsors a number of prizes and awards to support the advancement of commercial space activities across a broad span of applications and areas. Working with the Rice Business Plan Competition, and the Space Frontier Foundation, the Heinlein Prize Trust has given awards to companies which have gone on to make significant contributions and advancements in areas of medicine, energy, and materials technology.
Flight into the Future Program
The “Heinlein Flight into the Future Project Contest” is a competition to encourage young international students and researchers in the field of space exploration. The competition will identify, support, and promote innovative projects by these researchers. Winning researchers will receive a cash award, a prize diploma, and international recognition of their work.
The competition is open to citizens from European, African, and Middle Eastern nations. Also eligible to enter are students and post-graduate students, regardless of nationality, attending any European, African, or Middle Eastern school. All contest entrants must be less than 30 years old on July 7, 2005. Entries may be submitted by individual authors, or by teams of no more than three authors. Academic advisers may be associated with the development of the contest works.
Contest entries should include scientific, technical, and economic substantiation (business plan) of the proposed project. Entries must describe the peaceful use, and practical applications of the work in the field of space exploration. Entries will be judged by an international team of experts. The entered works will be judged on a basis of the novelty and originality of the proposal, the economic and social benefits, the technological substantiation and profoundness of research, and the veracity and investment attractiveness of project.